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Why Some Financial Plans Do Not Succeed

We all have heard the advice of earn more and spend less in order to save more is the key to financial success.  Then why are Americans going into further debt?  There are many reasons that are not addressed by the simple philosophy of the advice "spend less & save more".

1) Commitment

We are not usually asked about our commitment to a plan of action before starting.  It is always just assumed that one is committed especially if they are looking for help.  Yet, looking for help does not signify one's level of commitment.  When starting on a financial plan and there is a bump in the road, there is a choice on whether they will persever or if they will use it as evidence that they are not good with money.  When a person is not that commited then they will probably choice the later and give up.  Failing at the first sign of trouble can actually be even worse than not trying at all.  Because if you are re-enforcing the belief that you are not good with money, it will be harder to try again to break this habit later.

The key is to really make a commitment to yourself before you start that you will persever throught the bumps in the road.  It sounds easy, yet, how many have given up on their New Year's resolution before the end of February?  Part of it is to envision yourself at the end of the process.  What will be different?  What is it that you are really after?  People are more likely to persever when they have a clear picture of why they are doing this for.

2) What is the end game?

Get out of debt? Have a secure retirement?  These are admirable goals.  However, they will have more power if you go to a level deeper and ask why do you want it.  Why do you want to get out of debt?  Do you want to decrease stress or to live up to your commitment to repay your loans?  You should also include by when you will achieve your goal (measureable) but make sure it is achievable.   Having a clearer goal will help you achieve it.

3) Go it alone

There is usually so much shame around money that it is our wanting to hide that perpetuates the issues.  Having a friend can help you drop the shame by sharing your money secrets.  Sometimes you find that your worrying that someone will find out your secrets will drain more energy that could have gone to solve your issue.  So, beat this worry to the punch and tell someone.  You may even pick up helpful hints and ideas by having a friend in this process.  Someone who can lift you up when you are feeling down.

4) One size fits all (for selling books)

Everyone is unique with their own set of issues and personalities.  In reading books, know that some of their solutions may help you and others may not.  They key is to try on the new ideas and see what works for you and use those ideas.  Do not give up if an idea does not work for you, just move on.

5) Scratch the top of the surface (treat symptoms)

Much of the current advice is on how to cut spending, increase income and save more.  Yet, many of these issues are symptoms of greater issues like lack of self-worth, fear of money or worry about scarcity.  These are the issues that need to be addressed versus what we do with money.  Money is just energy.  When we see the distruption of the flow of energy (e.g., with debt), then we need to find the cause and not just treat the symptom (e.g., debt).  It is just like a sleeping pill; you can take it a night or two if you are having a temporary issue.  Yet, if the issue is still around days later, the sleeping pill is only treating the symptom (lack of sleep), rather than the cause.

6) Empowerment

Many programs today are regimenting the programs to make it easy for people to follow their advice.  For example, automatic saving of 10 percent is easy to set up and follow.  This is not bad advice.  However, it is set up this way under the assumption that people will spend money that they have (lack of self-control).  Again, this is just treating the symptom and not the cause.  I find automatic saving plans are great if they are in conjunction with setting up a budget and choosing to set aside a set amount.  This is different in that by doing a budget, the person is taking control over their money versus money controlling them.  This is the first step to getting out of the stuggle is by taking control.  Once you have control, it is easier to adapt to what life throws at you (e.g., higher gas prices) because you have already know what part of the budget you can cut.

7) If I succeed then what?

One question that should be asked is how is your current situation serving me?  You may ask how can something like debt or not saving for retirement be helping me?  There are several reasons that may be very subconscious.  I will give a few examples (may not apply directly, yet start thinking about your situation):

  • Sometimes sexually abused women will gain weight in the belief that the weight will make them unattractive and avoid being a victim again.
  • Sometimes people become complacent at work knowing if they get promoted or become more successful than their friends that they may lose them of envy
  • Sometimes people do not believe that they are responsibile or do not want the burden of responsibility and show others that they can not be trusted by getting into debt
  • Sometimes people fear that if they got out of debt, they would not have something to complain about to their friends (if this is their bonding experience)
  • Sometimes peope fear getting out of debt because it would show them that their past could have been avoided that life did not need to be such a stuggle



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Copyright © 2006 by My Financial Awareness, L.L.C.
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